10 Tips for Beginning Photographers
As a beginning photographer, a lot comes your way. You have to take everything into account, such as equipment, composition, post-production and much more.
In this article we give you some tips to make it easier for you as a beginner.
1. Equipment is Not Important
A new camera will not allow you to take better pictures. The equipment you use to take photos is only a small part of photography and will therefore have just a small influence on the end result.
A good photographer can take beautiful photos with any camera. A bad photographer can’t take beautiful photos with thousands of euros of equipment. So first focus on your photography and only after that look at which equipment can best help you improve yourself.
2. Good Composition Doesn’t Have to be Difficult
The composition is the way you choose the image. That sounds more complicated than it is. Make sure that what you see is a pleasant image for yourself. You do that in the basics by paying attention to simple things. For example, do not place the subject in the middle of the image. Also pay attention to the background: make sure there are no disturbing elements ‘sticking out’ of your subject. Another handy tip is to keep the same height as where the subject is.
For most photos, composition is much more important than the technique behind it. Whatever setting you use, your photo will be a lot more interesting because of the right composition.
3. Photograph a Lot
In fact, photography is no different from anything else: if you want to become good at it, you have to do it a lot. Taking pictures on a holiday twice a year does not make you a good photographer. If you spend two hours every day doing it you will shoot much better.
Finding a subject to photograph doesn’t have to be difficult. There are more than enough subjects in and around the house. Relatives can be captured as often as they allow. You can never have enough pictures of your family anyway. Excellent practice material.
Cats, dogs and other pets are willing subjects and, unlike family members, will not object so easily. If they also have had enough of your urge to take photographs, you can switch to objects; from the living room to a single flower from a bouquet. It doesn’t matter, as long as you keep photographing.
4. Keep it Simple
The best photos are often calm photos without disturbing elements. Don’t make it too difficult for yourself and try to keep disturbing elements out of your image. A calm, simple photo often looks very pleasant. Use lines, shapes, repeating patterns, blurred backgrounds and composition to give your photo peace of mind. The tranquillity in a photo also helps to direct the viewer’s attention directly to your subject.
5. Hold your Camera Still
The reason why a photo is out of focus will usually be movement. Especially when you are not shooting outside during nice sunny weather, movement in your photo is a danger. Learn how to keep a camera stable. Use both arms; with your left hand you support the lens (not the camera). Use your right hand to print. Clamp your arms against your body to prevent vibration as much as possible.
You can use a tripod if you want¹. However, for many forms of photography you can do without. When buying a tripod, do not choose the cheapest one: these are usually unstable and not pleasant to use. As a result, you will not use the tripod much.
6. Check your Settings
It’s smart to choose a basic setting for your camera, the starting point for taking pictures. Make sure you know how to get the camera to this basic setting. If necessary, start by letting another photographer or the shop assistant choose this basic setting. The important thing is that you can always go back to this basic setting.
7. Make a List of the Pictures you Want to Make
You can’t have your camera ready at all times. Sometimes you come to a nice place but unfortunately you don’t have your camera with you. Make sure you have a notepad with you or keep a list on your phone where you can keep track of where you like to come back to take pictures.
8. Don’t be Afraid to Try New Things
If you use a digital camera, a lot of mistakes can be made. But that’s all right, you just try again until you can². Have fun, there will be something in there that you like and that you can go on with. By trying new things, you find out what you’re good at and what you like.
9. Get Inspired by Others
When you just started with practicing photography, a lot can come at you and it can be hard to find out who you are behind the camera. If you check pictures of other photographers, you can discover what kind of pictures you want to take. This also allows you to develop yourself.
10. Take Your Time
You really won’t be able to shoot very well at once. This takes time, a lot of time.
’’If you spend ten thousand hours on one activity you will excel and succeed. No matter what it is, the ten thousand hour rule seems to apply in all fields.’’ – Malcolm Gladwell
¹https://digital-photography-school.com/11-tips-for-beginner-photographers/#legacy-forum-post ²https://www.photographytalk.com/beginner-photography-tips/12-impactful-tips-for-new-photographers
- Posted by Jake Austwick
- On February 6, 2020
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